Friday, October 15, 2010

Trouble maker

"The biggest trouble maker you'll have to deal with watches you shave his face in the mirror every day." I believe that one must be your own very best friend. If you are not, how can you befriend anyone. Put a smile on your face and have a wonder day.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

"When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it---but all that had gone before." This causes me to reflect about all the hardships, sweat tears and blood that many people suffered so that I could enjoy the life I have. It didn't happen overnight. We endure all we do so that those who follow us can perhaps travel a better road. I surly hope so.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Doing my own thing

My wife said "whatcha doing today?" I said "nothing". She said "you did that yesterday". I said "I wasn't finished". Well that is what you can do every day when you retire. I worked for 36 years and also put in over 24 years in the Navy. I actually do not just do nothing, I garden and help at the local school, do church work, and read a lot. Life is great.

Monday, October 11, 2010


"A sunday well spent brings a week of content." To me Sunday is a special day to be devoted to God. I am almost 69 years old and I keep the Sabbath day holy. This is how I recharge my batteries for the coming week. I attend all my meetings and rest on Sunday like the GOOD BOOK tells us to.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wow!!! a lot of time has went by since my last entry. I have had a remarkable year in and out of the hospital. My knee healed very quick and is doing well. I had a bladder problem and the doctor went in with a Laser to get rid of stones in there. The next month, I had Prostate surgery. I am now fully recovered and feeling fine. Life is wonderful. I will try to post more often.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Bionic Knee

Do not ever take walking without pain for granted. Back in May my right knee started hurting while walking and I just thought it would heal up. Well we made two trips to Nauvoo, One in July and one in August and it was fun, but my knee really limited my enjoyment of the vacation fun. I finally went to my Dr.To make a long story short, I needed a complete knee replacement. Wow! That was whole new experience to say the least. It has been six weeks now, and I'm doing great. No more pain. I did have to go through therapy, but that was not bad at all. It is like a new lease on life. As I get older, I try not to take things for granted. Enjoy life and love it.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Fall of Civilization

"Now it is appalling that since the dawn of history no less than 22 civilizations have risen and fallen. And when you go to look for the reasons and classify the reasons,they are monotonous in their similarity.
#1-They lost their religious convictions and flouted basic morality.
#2-They became obsessed with sex.
#3-They debased their money of its intrinsic value and let inflation run rampant.
#4-Honest work ceased to be a virtue.
#5-Respect for law disintegrated and violence became an accepted method of achieving individual and group desires, and----
#6-They reached the point where the citizens were no longer willing to be soldiers and fight for the defence of their nation and their heritage. They resorted to paid mercenaries or tried to buy off their attacker"-----Kenneth McFarland
Dose this sound like what is happening in our country? I think we all had better stand up and let our voices be heard. We need to call our elected officials and remind them who they work for or come November they may be unemployed. I for one love my country, served 25 years and and have a son over in Afghanistan . We must open our eyes and see what is happening and warn all who will listen. I will post more later.